Article 47

Repeal of Constitution

Article 47.1 and article 47.2 The Referendum
Article 47 contd. Repeal of Constitution

Official Literal English translation

Article 47.1

Every proposal (which is) made to amend this Constitution
and which is submitted to the people for determination
by Referendum, it must be deemed, for the purpose of
Article 46 of this Constitution, that the people consent to
that proposal if it happens, after submitting it thus to the
people for determination, that the majority of the votes
that are given in that Referendum are given in favour of
enacting it into law.

Article 47.2

Every proposal, which is not a proposal for the amendment
of the Constitution, which is submitted to the people for
determination by Referendum it must be deemed that the
people reject it if the majority of the votes that are given
in that Referendum are given against enacting it into law,
and the amount of votes so given against enacting it into
law is not less than a thirty-three and a third per cent
share of the number of electors that are on the roll.

Article 47.3

Every citizen who has the right to vote in an election for members of Dáil Éireann (he) has the right to vote in a Referendum.

Article 47.4

Within the constraint/scope of the aforementioned matters it is by law that the Referendum will be regulated.

Article 47.1 and article 47.2 The Referendum
Article 47 contd. Repeal of Constitution

Points to Consider:

Article 47