Article 39
What treason is solely is to undertake war against the State, or to assist any state or person whatever, or to incite a person, or to be in conspiracy with a person, to undertake war against the State, or to make an attempt with arms or in another violent manner to overthrow the organs of government which are established by this Constitution, or someone to have a part in or connection with such an attempt, or to incite any person or to be in conspiracy with him in order to do it or in order that he have a part in or a connection with it.
Article 39 might be read in conjunction with Article 9.
Public servants are advised to be aware of this to ensure that their acts are not deemed to be a war against the State.
When we address a letter to the councillors, we might put them on notice with this article.
Note the judicious use of the words “person” and “citizen” in these 2 articles. These terms refer to men and women in their commercial (public) capacity.
The aim of this website is to educate Irish men and women on their rights and to have them question their preconceived ideas on their powerlessness in this regard, when in essence it is the people of Éire (Ireland) who truly hold the power. It is not legal or lawful advice.
Maxim of Law:
"He who fails to assert his rights has none".