Current Issues & Potential Threats to

Bunreaċt na héireann 1937

The Importance of becoming familiar with

An Bunreacht 1937, especially now.

The Intention of this website is to look at the facts, the laws and rights and the mass media narratives. Then the aim is to support those who wish to question, educate and inform themselves for the upcoming turbulent political and economic climate where the Irish government is handing more and more of the national autonomy to the EU, the WEF and the WHO. Nothing here is designed to be construed as legal advice and it is recommended that you do your own research and become familiar with your rights and those of your community - starting with your family.

Maxim of law: If you do not know your rights, effectively you have none.

Abraham Lincoln Overthrow the men who pervert the constitution

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution" ~ Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America

Why it is Essential for Irish Men & Women to Comprehend their National Rights, Especially NOW!

  • The sovereignty, independence, neutrality, and democratic principles of Éire are under more threat NOW, than at any other time in the history of the State, since World War 2.
  • The Government of Ireland is currently ceding the Irish nation's sovereign rights to the European Union and to the unelected bureaucrats of the world, such as WHO, WEF, UN, NATO etc., etc., etc,...
  • Billionaire philanthropists, 'big tech', 'big pharma', banks and charitable foundations are having undue control and influence on world policies, and thereby on mankind. These organisations have government influence, and ultimately their own financial gain as their primary focus. Note which globalist corporations benefitted during lockdown, wars and natural disasters, while so many smaller independent companies are struggling or have gone out of business.

jm kelly crotty vs an taoiseach name of state in Preamble

Extract from JM Kelly The Irish Constitution supplement to the second edition 1987

Case: Crotty V Ireland


Note that even the English text version of the Preamble refers to the "people of Éire" and not "Ireland" which remains the case today.

Note also that the coinage, which the Irish State mints, bears the official seal of Éire as pursuant to Article 4 and Article 5 of An Bunreacht Na hÉireann 1937.

Crotty v An Taoiseach State is sovereign externally, not internally

Extract from JM Kelly The Irish Constitution supplement to the second edition 1987

Case: Crotty V An Taoiseach

"[24] State is sovereign externally, not internally".

"A very interesting implication of the external sovereignty of the State emerged in Crotty v. An Taoiseach where a majority of the Supreme Court held that it prevented the State from fettering its right to determine foreign policy by concluding international agreements requiring consultation with other countries on such policy and, in particular, from ratifying Title III of the Single European Act.

Henchy J. said:
It appears to me that this affirmation [in Art. 1] means that the State's right to conduct its external relations is part of what is inalienable and indefeasible in what is described in Art. 5 as a sovereign, independent,
democratic state''. It follows, in my view, that any attempt by the Government to make a binding commitment to alienate in whole or in part to other States the conduct of foreign relations would be inconsistent with the Government's duty to conduct those relations in accordance with the Constitution.

Walsh J. said:T

The powers of external sovereignty on the part of the State do not depend on the affirmative grant of this Constitution"

Points to consider:

The people create the State as per An Bunreacht. See Articles 1 (above) and Article 5 (below)

Article 5 Ireland is a sovereign independent state

Official Literal English Translation

Article 5

Éire is a sovereign, independent, democratic State

While the original translation of Article 5 (above) says "Ireland is a sovereign, independent, democratic state".

Points to consider:

Note the use of 'Ireland' as opposed to Éire and the word 'State' was not capitalised, thereby making it a state[let], i.e. Ireland Inc. which is a limited offshore corporation.

However, the Gaelic (language and text) version (left) recognises Éire as the name of the State and capitalises the word 'Stát' ('State') which recognises Éire as sovereign and independent, based on international law.

Article 46 Amendment of The Constitution & Article 47 The Referendum

Article 1, Article 5, Article 6

Judge J Walsh: "The essential nature of sovereignty is the right to say yes or to say no"

The question about whether An Bunreacht 1937 or even the 1942 Irish Constitution are appropriate for today's world should be one we consider well before we allow it to be diluted or replaced.

It contains your constitutional rights and there needs to be grave consideration before any vote can be taken on it.

This website does not suggest that you support or oppose any of the current Government of Globalist agendas such as a United Ireland, immigration, equality of the sexes, inclusion of minorities etc, quite the contrary. There is however a concern about how many of the current policies are being implemented, the scale of the immigration and the management of it. If the Irish Government has a role to serve the people of Ireland's best interests, could you say they are fulfilling their obligations to you and your community?

  • •An unelected group of people in the World Economic Forum (WEF) and The World Health Organisation (WHO) are enrolling various governments worldwide to surrender their sovereign powers to a One World Authority. The plan is that you will no longer be entitled to enjoy the fruits of your own labour. “You will own nothing and be happy”   •Digital agenda •Financial agenda, a One-World-Army where there is no neutrality. If power corrupts, absolute power will corrupt absolutely. The WHO will be able to declare pandemics at will. This might even be valuable in principle if they had the good of people at their core, but the reality is they are heavily financed and influenced by "Big Pharma".
  • •There is a real risk to our freedom of speech with new proposed laws on "hate-speech". These definitions are manipulated to limit open discussion and only the government narrative will prevail. The risks here are huge where large corporate bodies have the ear of the government officials and their perspective is promoted. Woke agenda making discrimination lawful. It is attempting to attack our right to freedom of speech.
  • •The Crown sold the mining rights to 25% of Éire's northern counties and 28% of our southern land mass.  These will be used as a radio-active waste dump after the gold and lithium has been mined.
  • Where are the government's plans for housing our indigenous homeless people while they have an open-border policy for immigrants with no visible plan to manage it other than to guilt-trip our natives to surrender their properties or a portion of them. No quotas or cap on numbers.
  • •Who owns Ireland? We have a unique opportunity now that the 99 year lease is up and we risk entering a new 99 year lease

More on this section later...

Upcoming Referenda and Proposed Unlawful Acts and Legislation

Gender Equality Referendum, now postponed until after elections...

Gender Equality ballot

Read the few short lines of Article 41 carefully before you get pulled into dramatic headlines that are designed to sell newspapers. Failure to understand what they are proposing to remove from the referendum could result in hardship on the family and many generations of mothers being unsupported. Instead we should hold our Governments to implement this article as it was designed.

Equality or Inclusion on family referendum

There is a need for us to be vigilant that while it is admirable to foster an inclusive society, we cannot allow the rights of a minority with strong public representation to displace the needs of the public at large.