Article 15 - Oireachtas Obligations

Repugnant to the Constitution

Official 1999 Literal English translation

Article 15

15.4.1 The Oireachtas is not permitted to enact any law which would be in any way against this Constitution or against any provision of this Constitution.

15.4.2 In the case of any law which the Oireachtas enacts being in any way against this Constitution or against any provision of this Constitution it will be without validity to the extent that it will be against this Constitution and to that extent alone.

15.5 The Oireachtas is not permitted to say that acts which were not an infringement of law while they were being done are an infringement of law.

15.6.1 (It is) The Oireachtas alone (that) has the right to establish and maintain military forces or armed forces.

Points to Consider:

Article 15 can be used in conjunction with any other article. Any new guidelines, statutes, acts and legislation enacted against this 1937 constitution are invalid.

Article 15.4 is complementary to article 34.3.2 and 34.4.4

See article 25 for the president's obligations in signing and promulgation of laws.