Criminal Justice (Hate Offences) Act 2024

contravenes Article 40 of An Bunreaċt 1937

Q. Does it have the power to shut down our society,

and cast us into an Orwellian dystopia?

Criminal Justice (Hate Offences) Act 2024 is not only unconstitutional (see Article 40), "it contains some very questionable provisions. It is described as a bill to protect, but it has the capacity to do immense damage to free speech and democracy in Ireland". Penalties include fines and custodial sentences.

This Act also goes against your inalienable, God-given rights:

Click here for full list list of inalienable (unalienable) rights. These have been cited in international Supreme Courts.

  • The right to life, freedom , health and the pursuit of happiness
  • We have the right to be presumed innocent, suffering no detention or arrest, no search or seizure without reasonable cause
  • The right to privacy and confidentiality, free from unwarranted invasion
  • The right to express knowledge necessary to one's rights and freedoms
  • The right to live in peace and to be left alone when law-abiding
  • The right to remain silent when accused, to avoid self-incrimination

These rights are also also protected by Article 10 in The European Convention on Human Rights. "

  • The right to peaceful association, assembly, expression and protest" Click here for full details.

"Hate Speech" Bill has been partially passed in another guise with the "hate speech" element "shelved" for now.

The Irish Government's Hate Offences Act aims to protect 70 "genders other than that of male or female" and recognise them in Irish criminal law. To show how widely this idea can be applied, Senator Sharon Keogan spent 25 minutes listing the "genders" to Justice Minister Helen McEntee.

See transcript below.

Senator Sharon Keogan brings attention to the Risks Associated with the proposed Hate Crime Bill in the Oireachtas. Transcript below:

The proposed amendment aims to bring the Bill in line with international standards, which typically include clear intent and specific harm as necessary components of any hate speech or incitement law. For example, the Rabat plan of action, which is a 2012 report of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, outlines six key factors to consider when determining whether speech constitutes incitement, including intent, context and likelihood of harm. These guidelines underscore the need for a high threshold to ensure restrictions on free speech do not exceed what is necessary to prevent violence or discrimination. The European Court of Human Rights has consistently ruled that restrictions on free speech must be carefully balanced to ensure they do not infringe on the rights of freedom of expression. This includes a focus on whether speech directly incites violence or discrimination. By introducing a clear and specific definition of incitement to hatred and violence, the amendment would ensure the Bill meets these international recognised standards, reducing the risk of overreach or misapplication.
The proposed amendment is critical to ensure the Bill provides clear definitions and a high threshold for what constitutes incitement to hatred or violence. Without such clarity, the Bill risks creating legal uncertainty, chilling free expression and leading to wrongful convictions based on vague or subjective interpretations of intent. By aligning with international norms and providing specific guidance on incitement, this amendment would help safeguard both public safety and the fundamental right to free expression.
The definition of amendment No. 9 aligns the definition with Irish law. If we are to accept the Government’s definition, however, this would mean there would be at least 72 genders, including, but not limited to;
agender, abimegender, adamasgender, aerogender, aesthetgender, affectugender, agenderflux, alexigender, aliusgender, amaregender, ambigender, ambonec, amicagender, amorgender, androgyne, androgynflux, anesigender, angeligender, anogender, anongender, anteisgender, anxiegender, apagender, apconsugender, apertusgender, aposgender, aquagender, aquariusgender, archaegender, argogender, aristogender, aritgender, artistigender, astroflux, astralgender, atmosgender, atturgender, autigender, autogender, axigender, axiogender, azuregender, bafflegender, bakeragender, biogender, blizzgender, blurgender, boggender, bordragender, boyflux, brevigender, burstgender, cadensgender, caelgender, cancegender, canisgender, cantogender, caprigender, cartogender, cassflux, cavusgender, ceasgenger, celestgender, cendgender, centrigender, cervugender, chaosgender, circgender, circumgender, clarigender, cloudegender, clowngender, codegender, cogitogender, coldgender, collgender, comfgender, compgender, composgender, congruogender, constellgender, contigender, contingender, corugender, cosmigender, cosmicgender, cumulogender, cyangender, cyclogender -

please forgive me if I pronounce some of these incorrectly; they are quite extensive and if I do offend anybody reading this out and making mistakes, I apologise,

It also includes dahlgender, dampgender, dazegender, deltagender, demigender, demifluid, demiboy, demigirl, demienby, demiflux, demosgender, denatigender, dentrogender, depressogender, deservgender, desigender, devisgender, divigender, diminugender, dreamgender, dulcigender, dustgender, dysporiagender, edafogender, egogender, egender, ecliptgender, effloragender, eldrigender, elegender, elementgender, elixgender, elusigender, embergender, emptgender, engypgender, englobgender, enigender, enthugender, endromogender, eonogender, epicgender, epigender, equilibrigender, evaporgender, evokegender, exgender, expansgender, expecgender, extergender, extragender, fabricagender, facetgender, fadingender, faegender, fawngender, faunagender, fazogender, felisgender, femfluid, femgender, fenesgender, feugender, fictigender, firegender, flamgender, flashgender, fleursgender, flexigender, flickergender, flingender, flowgender, fluidgeterogender, fluidgeterosexual, fluigender, fluxfluid, fluxgender, fluxiongender, foamgender, folgender, fontgender, forgender, fornogender, fragagender, fraggender, frangender, frictgender, frigidgender, frondgender, frostgender, fugigender, fugugender,galactigender, galegender, gallugender, gallopgender, genderflux, genderfluid, genderlight, gendersatyr, gendersea, genderwood, generagender, genicgender, geogender, geologender, gerangender, gigglegender, glaciagender, glistenogender, glitchgender, gloomgender, glossogender, glowgender, gluemgender, gringender, gritgender, guarigender, guasgogender, gullgender, gunigender, gustgender, gynefluid, gynogender, gypsgender, hagigender, haigender, hallgender, halogender, haplogender, hasragender, havogender, healgender, heartgender, hedgegender, heligender, hermetigender, hexagender, hidrogender, himagender, hipogender, hoarigender, hollowgender, hornagender, horsgender, hostgender, hubgender, hurricangender, hydrogengender, hygender, hypegender, hypergender, hypogender, imbergender, immogender, impulsigender, inagender, indagender, indiogender, infinitigender, insigender, intellagender, intergender, intraflux, irascgender, irisgender, isogender, itergender, itinogender, itzigender, januagender, jentagender, jocusgender, jorgender, junggender, junipergender, justgender, kaleidogender, kaleidoflux, kallogender, keplergender, kerfuffleflux, kinetigender, kissgender, koloragender, kolorgender, kryptogender, kurogender, laconicgender, laggender, lamellgender, lampadgender, lamposgender, latigg, latensgender, lavendergender, lentesgender, leogender, lepigender, lissgender, lividgender, locustgender, logigender, longegender, loopgender, loticgender, lownessgender, luggender, lumigender, lunalogender, lunargender, lurgigender, lusterogender, luxgender, macrogender, magogender, magpiegender, magnogender, majestigender, magogender, malugender, maplegender, marengender, marigrugender, marvelogender, mascgender, maskgender, masonagender, matkigender, maxigender, meandgender, mechagender, medigender, medleygender, melanchogender, melegender, melodigender, memigender, mentegender, mercurialgender, messogender, metamorphogender, microgender, midasgender, miegender, migragender, mimogender, moltgender, The list includes microgender, midasgender, miegender, migragender, mimogender, moltgender, momentigender, monegencer, mooncangender, morphogender, mossgender, motigender, mountainogender, movender, multigender, mundagender, mungender, muragender, muscisgender, mutaegender, mythogender, napgender, narritogender, nebulagender, nefasgender, negogender, neligender, nemergender, neptunegender, nervigender, netergender, nexgender, nicogender, nightgender, nimbusgender, nocgender, nomigender, non-binary, non-genegender, non-gegender, novagender, nullgender, numerigender, nuxgender, nyctogender, oasgender, obliquesgender, obnuvigender, oculogender, odorgender, offgender, omegagender, ominogender, omnisgender, omniverigender, onimogender, onirigender, ontogender, oobgender, opacigender, opalusgender, opengender, oppigender, opulengender, opusgender, orbisgender, orchegender, orchigender, oreogender, orgagender, oscilligender, osmagender, overcastgender, ovogender, oxgender, oxtongender, ozgender, pacigender, pagender, paleogender, pampaflux, pampogender, panarcticgender, pandanagender, pangegender, pantasexgender, paragender, parallogender, parasolgender, parchgender, particgender, pastgender, patagender, pegasgender, peligender, perennialgender, perigender, perimmonogender, permagender, perrigender, persecutogender, persephonogender, petrolgender, phantasmgender, phlegmagender, photogender, phototropogender, phtorogender, pianogender, pictgender, pietagender, pigeongender, pinkgender, piogender, piscigender, plasmagender, plathgender, platogender, pleasgender, ploidgender, plutogender, poetrigender, polargender, polarisgender, posifluxgender, positivogender, possgender, potegender, prairiegender, precarigender, precipigender, primgender, prismagender, privagender, probabiligender, prodigender, prodromgender, profectgender, progenigender, proliflux, propagender, prospicgender, protogender, purgogender, pyrogender, quartzgender, quasigender, questgender, quietgender, quindrigender, quinxgender, radgender, radiantgender, rainflux, rainogender, raptorgender, ravengender, raygender, rayongender, readygender, realmgender, recurrigender, reflectogender, regender, regigender, reinigender, relicgender, religender, renitentgender, repentagender, respigender, restitugender, retrogender, revigender, revivagender, rexgender, rhythmgender, rimegender, riptidegender, rishigender, rivenergender, rivergender, roangender, robotgender, rocciagender, rockygender, rogender, romanticgender, rosagender, rosegender, rotundgender, rubygender, runegender, rustgender, rushgender, sablegender, sacralgender, safegender, sagittgender, sagittariusgender, salvogender, sammagender, sandalwoodgender, sandgender, sangagender, sanctigender, sapflux, sapgender, sapphgender, saturagender, scenogender, scentergender, scutgender, seagender, secludogender, sedatagender, selfigender, sensorgender, sentiogender, sepiagender, sequiogender, serenogender, shapgender, shardgender, shattergender, shifgender, shiftfluid, shiftgender, shimmergender, shipgender, shoalrogender, shoegender, shygender, siamgender, sibligender, sickgender, sidegender, sigmagender, silangender, silicogender, silkgender, simulagender, singender, singularity gender, sinistergender, sirengender, sixgender, skategender, skeingender, skygender, skylargender, sleepgender, slidegender, sloggender, slushgender, smarogender, smilegender, smoggender, smokegender, snowgender, softgender, solaragender, solemgender, solidgender, solilogender, solivagender, solugender, somnigender, sonargender, sonicgender, soragender, soupgender, soundgender, speedgender, spheregender, spicgender, spillagender, spiritogender, splashgender, splendorgender, spookgender, spraygender, springgender, spritegender, spritzgender, spurgender, squallgender, squawkgender, squeegender, stadiogender, stagegender, stalactigender, stalagmitgender, starlightgender, stargender, staticgender, stellargender, stelligender, sterngender, stillgender, stormgender, stovagender, stratagender, streamgender, streetgender,

72 genders listed as protected so that the Criminal Justice (Hate Offences) Act 2024 could be passed through the Dáil, without debate

Bill entitled an Act to provide for certain offences aggravated by hatred in the Criminal Damage Act 1991, the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994 and the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997; for that purpose, to provide for amendments of those and other enactments; to provide in respect of certain offences for hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of certain characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics) of the person or the group of persons to be an aggravating factor in sentencing for those offences; and to provide for related matters.

Last updated: 29 Oct 2024

Sponsored by: Minister for Justice;

Source: Government (click on this link for original source)

Originating House: Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice Bill 105 of 2022

Criminal Justice Bill entitled an Act to amend the law relating to the prohibition of incitement to violence or hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of certain characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics) of the person or the group of persons and to provide for an offence of condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace and, in doing so, to give effect to Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law; to provide for certain offences aggravated by hatred in the Criminal Damage Act 1991, the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994 and the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997; for those purposes, to provide for amendments of those and other enactments and to repeal the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989; to provide in respect of other offences for hatred against a person or a group of persons on account of certain characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics) of the person or the group of persons to be an aggravating factor in sentencing for those offences; and to provide for related matters.

Last updated: 21 Jun 2023

Sponsored by: Minister for Justice

Source: Government

Originating House: Dáil Éireann

For full bill click here

21 Jun 2023

Input your tex

Points to consider :

Minister Helen McEntee has repeatedly failed to comply with Senators' requests to define "hate speech" and "hatred".

Despite this, this Act gives An Garda Siochána the right to enter your home without warrant and confiscate all the electronic devices on the premises, including your visitors and children's. You are then obliged to supply all passwords, and if you refuse, you will face a custodial prison sentence.
Is there a need for this Act when there are currently laws that protect Irish people from incitement to violence? Will this Criminal Justice Act give way to Government overreach?

Do the numerous laws being enacted each year benefit society? If not, who actually benefits from them?
This Act will be used with the 'Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022'. Coimisiún na Meán holds media platforms to account to implement this Act. Global corporate social media platforms, such as Facebook (Meta), WhatsApp (Meta), Instagram (Meta), Google and YouTube etc. have agreed to enforce this legislation, under the guise of protecting children. Other platforms such as X (Twitter) and TikTok are resisting censorship. Elon Musk believes that there is a benefit to open discussion and in giving people a chance to hear many perspectives in order to form balanced opinions, as well as an opportunity to rebut misinformation. If there is no openness online, we will only be privy to the narratives of the lobbyists who have the Government's ear to push their commercial agendas. (E.g. Tobacco, and the pharmaceutical industries are cases in point).

What kind of country will we end up with when our citizens are censored or banned from having a controversial opinion, one that might disagree with the mainstream narrative?

t in this area

Victory for free speech

Government to drop plan for Hate Speech laws as election looms

In what is being seen as a "victory for free speech", the Coalition Government will scrap the most controversial provisions of legislation which would have introduced hate speech laws.
September 21, 2024

Máirín de Barra, Gript Media

Read Full Article on Gript Media

Hate crime Bill to retain special protections for transgender and non-binary people

Hate crime Bill to retain special protections for transgender and non-binary people

Pat Leahy, The Irish Times

Wed Sept 25 2024

Elements relating to hate speech to be shelved but gender definitions to remain despite opposition questioning idea of legislating for ‘multiplicity of subjective genders’

Read The Irish Times article here

hate speech bill dropped - before election.

Plans to introduce Hate Speech 'Laws' dropped - ahead of general election

By Jack Horgan-Jones, Pat Leahy, The Irish Times

Sep 21, 2024 05:00 AM

2 min. read

The Government is to drop controversial plans to introduce hate speech laws, which had been criticised by its own backbenchers as well as free speech groups and tech billionaire Elon Musk.

The move comes as the latest Irish Times/Ipsos B&A opinion poll shows that a return of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil to government after the next election is the option most favoured by voters.

Senator Sharon Keogan — Full Rebuttal of Proposed 'Hate Speech' Bill Oct 2, 2023

Sharon Keogan expresses her concerns about how the government is behaving in regard to the 'Hate Speech Bill'

Click here for full text on

1 in 4 Irish worried about losing the right to free speech

1 in 4 Irish worried about losing the right to free speech

Read more

Harris challenged on government's "non-stop misinformation"

Article by Ben Scallan, Gript Media, August 2024

"How is this government in a position to lecture anyone on misinformation?": Ben Scallan challenges Taoiseach Simon Harris and Roderic O'Gorman on the government's "non-stop misinformation", particularly in the run up to the Family and Care referendums.

Irish Hate Crime Bill: Helen McEntee pledges those who misgender will not end up in court

GB News Sep 17, 2023

hate speech bill being pushed through Irish Times

The Irish Times

Article by Harry McGee

Mon August 25th 2024

Hate Crime legislation to be completed during Government's term, say Harris and O'Gorman.

Read The Irish Times article here.

While there are some rumours about a November 15th 2024 election, the latest date must be March 2025 so we can expect the Government "Yes" only campaign to start in earnest very soon.

Simon Harris remarks on hate speech bill


26/08/2024 | 18:49 PM

Article by Cillian Sherlock, PA

Harris expects hate-crime legislation will be passed ‘in lifetime of Government’

Read full Breaking News article here.


McEntee expects Hate Speech bill to be passed "by the end of the year"

Article by Ben Scallan Gript media, September 8th 2024

Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee expects her controversial Hate Speech bill to be in force "by the end of the year", and says how confident she is that nobody in Ireland will ever be taken to court for "misgendering" under the law. Question by Ben Scallan.Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, defends the unpopular Hate Speech Bill on the basis of following other countries' lead, as opposed to evaluating it on it's own merits. She has resisted defining the word "hate".

Point to Consider:

Éire is the only country in the EU with standalone common law courts. To fall into line with EU legislation would dilute Éire's constitutional rights - see Article 5 of An Bunreacht. ('Éire is a sovereign, independent, democratic State') It would in effect be surrendering our inalienable rights and relinquishing our nation's sovereign status, which no men or States can impede upon at law.

Article 40.6.1 Part 1 English

New Hate Speech bill is unconstitutional as it goes against Article 40 (above) where Irish citizens have a right to express their opinions freely.

 An Bunreacht  Article 40.4.1 Personal Rights Irish
Article 40.4.1 Personal Rights English

Article 40.4.1
It is not permitted to take his personal freedom from any citizen except in accordance with law. See article 40.4 here.

Hebeas Corpus: Present the body (before the court)

article 15 laws cannot be enacted that are repugnant to the constitution

The Irish Government is bound by Article 15.4.1 and Article 15.4.2 of Bunreacht Na hÉireann. It is unlawful for the Oireachtas to enact acts and legislation that are against the Irish Constitution. The President can refer such bills to the Supreme Court, and even decline to sign them into statutory legislation as Acts, if they are against Article 26.

Article 40.6.1 Freedom of speech for the media

See Article 40.6.1 above.

The Irish Government has a responsibility to preserve the rightful liberty of the Irish television broadcasts, the press and radio etc,

"When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Thomas jefferson When the Government fears the people there is liberty

"When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

ICONOCLAST Roundtable 6: Irish Hate Speech Bill "Be Afraid Be Very Afraid!"

This special Iconoclast Roundtable, by Ryland Media, addresses the dangers of the new proposed Hate Speech Bill in Ireland. Barrister Una McGurk, Professor Gerard Casey and Sarah Hardiman from Free Speech Ireland spell out the true nature of this controversial piece of legislation and the possible intentions behind it.

Baroness Nuala O'Loan calls hate speech bill dangerous

Baroness Nuala O'Loan says the "loose language in hate speech bill is dangerous". "It has the capacity to do immense damage to free speech and democracy in Ireland".

Al Jazeera Why is Ireland's hate crime bill attracting so much hate

Al Jazeera article by Barbara McCarthy 17th June 2024:

"Why is Ireland's hate crime bill attracting so much hate of its own?"

Read full article here

People want to bin the hate speech bill

The new bill has been approved by the Government and is currently making its way through the Seanad.
Speaking to the Sunday Independent, Ms Sullivan, who is reviewing the proposed bill, said Irish people currently enjoy freedom of speech “without too much thought or appreciation”.
But she said when “deprived”, the fundamental freedom becomes “comparative to oxygen or water”. Read article

Sinn Fein voted Yes on oppressive Hate Speech Bill

As per Gript Media's meme, Sinn Féin unanimously voted YES for the Hate Speech Bill, and are now doing a U-turn when it is proving unpopular.

Justice Pa Daly says: "Government’s Hate Speech legislation must be scrapped"

"The question whether it is the destiny of the Irish Constitution

to be more than a piece of paper, depends not on the nobility

of it's contents, but on the watchfulness of the Irish people."

Fundamental Rights in the Irish Law and Constitution by J.M Kelly