Public Health Bill NI

The people of The North need to act now to protect their bodily autonomy, their assets and their freedoms. They need to act URGENTLY to resist this draconian legislation, or lose their rights forever.

The Department of Health NI has a 79 page proposal to develop a new Public Health Bill for Northern Ireland and there is a consultation period, which has been extended by Health Minister, Mike Nesbitt, until October 14th to maximise the number of responses. While it is recommended that you read the entire Bill, the key sections that will result in the loss of your rights are detailed below together with the links and other methods of responding.

With this Bill, the Government of Northern Ireland proposes to give itself powers far beyond the scope of health.

Public Health Bill NI Proposal

The regulations may;

  • impose restrictions or requirements on or in relation to persons, things or premises in the event of, or in response to, a threat to public health, or enable a Northern Ireland department, the Regional Agency or another person, by virtue of a decision taken under the regulations, to impose such restrictions or requirements.
  • In relation to a person, the regulations may impose a ‘special restriction or requirement’ such as:
  • requiring a person to submit to a medical examination;
  • be removed to a hospital or other suitable establishment;
  • be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment;
  • keep a person in isolation or quarantine;
    o require a person to vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatment;
  • a person to be disinfected or decontaminated;
  • that the person wear protective clothing;
  • that the person provide information or answer questions about the person’s health or other circumstances;
  • that the person’s health be monitored and the results reported;
  • that the person attend training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others;
  • that the person be subject to restrictions as to where the person may go or with whom the person has contact;
  • that the person abstain from working or trading
Read full proposal Document here

Consultation description


This is the second consultation on Public Health legislation and seeks your views on specific policy proposals that will underpin the provisions to be included in a new Public Health Bill.

The first consultation in September 2015 asked basic questions about current Public Health law, the Public Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1967. The outcome of that consultation enabled a Final Report to be published in March 2016, which set out key recommendations for legislative reform and the shaping of future public health protection law in Northern Ireland, leading to this current consultation.
This consultation sets out the proposals which will underpin a new health protection legislative framework for Northern Ireland and which are based on the recommendations of the Review of the 1967 Act and learning from recent public health emergencies.

The overarching principle of the draft Bill is to protect the population against various forms of infection and contamination including biological, chemical and radiological in addition to infectious diseases, which is the focus of the 1967 Act. The all hazards approach will enable broader surveillance, supporting more timely and effective intervention, controlling the spread of infection and contamination generally and if needs be, in an emergency.

The Department welcomes any comments or views on the proposals set out in this document. We are keen to hear from those who have an interest in health protection, especially those with a professional interest.

Comments can be submitted by completing the online survey at Citizen Space .

We would prefer responses using Citizen Space, however, if you wish to send an email or hard copy of your response you should complete the consultation response form and submit your response using the correspondence details below:

Ways to respond:
Click here to Respond Online
Email -

Write to -
Health Protection Legislation Branch
C/O PHD Admin Team
Room C4.22
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Northern Ireland

Public Health Bill NI Proposal details

"Things" could include your assets, belongings, property - things you own

Public Health Bill NI Proposal details contd

Public health bill consultation extended

Date published: 19 September 2024


The public consultation on a new Public Health Bill for Northern Ireland has been extended by two weeks until 14 October 2024.

This extension will help maximise the number of responses on the proposed legislation.

The planned bill will replace the 1967 Public Health Act, ensuring Northern Ireland can respond to a wider range of severe threats to public health.

While the 1967 Act focussed on infectious diseases, the new bill will also cover infection and contamination from biological, chemical and radiological sources. This updating of the legislation to cover all hazards will bring NI legislation into line with the rest of the UK.

Mike Nesbitt calls for the input of the individuals, groups and public and political organisations to formally voice their concerns and give their input in the draft legislation, if they wish to be included.

"The pen is mightier than the sword" is an expression indicating that the written word is more effective than violence as a means of social or political change. This sentiment has been expressed with metaphorical contrasts of writing implements and weapons for thousands of years. The specific wording that "the pen is mightier than the sword" was first used by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839. ~ Wikipedia

Mr Nesbitt said there had been “some misunderstanding” but stressed that the legislation would be subject to the Assembly’s scrutiny processes. He said: “I would encourage any individual, group, or organisation with a view on the consultation to submit a response ahead of the new closing date of October 14. This is your opportunity to help shape this important legislation.
“There has been significant public interest in the consultation. As we seek to replace outdated legislation, it is important that we consider all options.
"I am not in favour of mandatory vaccination even in limited and tightly prescribed circumstances.
"Nevertheless, it is right that we have a public conversation about all potential options in the public consultation, as we decide what should be in the final Bill to protect us all.
“Unfortunately, there has been some misunderstanding about the planned new bill.

Opinions on the Proposed Bill

Stop the NI Health Bill

Melissa Ciummei on Health and Truth Sep 19, 2024

The Northern Ireland Health Bill threatens your medical freedom with forced examinations, forced quarantine, and intrusive procedures such as forced tests and forced vaccinations. It extends emergency powers, allowing authorities to impose severe restrictions without consent. This bill undermines human rights, limits personal choice, and bypasses true public consultation.

Sample Response to Question One,

Melissa Ciummei's response below might inspire some of you to draft your own authentic response, which might include some or all of Melissa's sentiments:

"I do not consent to this Bill. I refute your authority to ask these questions, presuming that I have consented to the fundamental change in the relationship between the Government and the people of Northern Ireland; where we are ruled over rather than governed with. Under what authority are you asking these questions that, as far as I can see, do not bear any relation to the glaring concerns in the proposal in terms of how it affects my human rights?
It is not made clear, what rights I will be giving up for this supposed protectionism. I see it as an attempt to incite possible harm against the people in the absence of informed consent and a possible attempt to impose an all-hazards approach to surveillance, where it does not define the parameters of the surveillance. It is not a meaningful consultation; it was difficult to find – no media attention, no promotion; merely sent out to a selected few.
Therefore, I am not accepting the credibility of the consultation or its questions. They do not meet the consultation principles in terms of document length; in that it would take even the most highly-educated, at least three hours to get through and presents as an intimidating read. The format is designed to give a restricted, rather than an informed response. It is not clear if this potentially negates the Belfast Agreement, in terms of devolved healthcare and borders. Implications have not been presented, in any capacity, nor has a definitive list of notifiable diseases or the method of diagnosis, PCR, or other, been provided. It has not been made clear to whom else authority can be given, or if the forced mandates and protection will be grounded in fact-based science or computer modelling; all making an informed response impossible.
The State over-reach proposed in this document is a gross infringement on human rights and in direct contradiction to informed consent. The proposed changes to due process and the rule of law in Magistrates' Court breach Article 6 – Right to Appear in Court – to hear, say and test the evidence, allowing then only the right to appeal, shifting the burden of proof. Thus, attempting to change the rules of the Magistrates' Court under the guise of public health. These changes present a Constitutional issue that would require a referendum vote.
Take this as my response to all further questions in this consultation."

Email -
Write to -
Health Protection Legislation Branch
C/O PHD Admin Team
Room C4.22
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Northern Ireland
BT4 35Q

Michael Brentnall and Melissa Ciummei NI Health Bill consultation 22.9.24


Human rights lawyer Michael Brentnall describes the proposed Health Bill for Northern Ireland as 'SPINE CHILLING'

MB: "I have read this in its fullest. I would describe it as spine-chilling. It was the most frightening piece of proposed legislation that I have ever read. And I have dealt with many, many emergency powers and I have dealt with these through the Courts, and I have dealt with them through clients, through arrests, etc., and this is a catch-all piece of legislation that will take us, potentially – and has the potential to take us through a dystopian future, whereby we are under the – I’m going to use the words ‘Jackboot of the State’ because it is so oppressive and so open to interpretation that it can be taken to the enth degree.
So, that then, in a nutshell, are my concerns about this piece of legislation. It has the potential to go to the extent that it will take over other parts of the legislation that have been critically analysed over many, many years through the Courts and through other means of analysis and are working in the realm of criminal law or civil law, or whatever the case may be, but this then goes way beyond all of that."

Melissa Ciummei and the NI Health Bill consultation with Michael Brentnall 22/09/2024

Make an appointment with your Local MLA Regarding this new Proposed draconian health bill to express any concerns you may have.

Gemma brolly on NI health bill proposal

Gemma Brolly, Aontú

Significant developments regarding Public Health Bill Consultation!

5:39 pm · 21 Sep 2024

1. Change in narrative from Health Minister

2. Extension to consultation deadline

3. Some parties who were aware of this bill for months are now claiming 'misinformation' & 'scaremongering' when the scaremongering is there in black & white for all to read!


Watch Gemma Brolly's video on Twitter / X
NI health minister not in favour of health bill

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt does not support forced Vaccinations

Sam McBride on NI Health Bill

Department of Health’s bungling over forced vaccinations is dangerous — but not for the reasons conspiracy theorists are claiming

"Stormont’s own document is self-contradictory, the policy could never work, and it was always ultimately going to be dropped once it was properly considered — so why were claims about compulsory health jabs allowed to fester all summer?"

Sam McBride, Belfast Telegraph

Sat 21 Sep 2024 at 07:14

Has leading political commentator and journalist, Sam McBride, not read the Public Health Bill Policy proposal in full, including page 47 as shown above?

Health Minister urged to withdraw Public Health Bill

Brentnall Legal Ltd. [Sept 24 2024]
The Health Minister has been urged to withdraw the public health bill. Pre-action correspondence was sent on behalf of a Brentnall Legal client which outlined complexities in the consultation document which have created a barrier to public participation.


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